Friday, 4 October 2013

Introduction to English for Specific Purposes


The importance of English language in this millennium era is undeniably one of the essential knowledge etched within one's communicative skills. It is a given fact that most of our job requirements that barricade either the academics or professionals tasks acquire a person to be acknowledged with English language skills. For one to be able to join in the circle of their profession, English language again is an essential need to effectively communicate with others in the international level.

Main factor that has put English as the most important language that need to be acquired is English as Lingua Franca. English language has the most users in the world covering every sectors of what build up the international relations between communicating countries today from as basic element as education to the newest health discoveries. English language essentially act as a mediator that connect the world with each other.


So why do we need English for Specific Purposes (ESP)? Isn't General English (GE) or English for General Purposes (EGP) sufficient enough to cater the need of every contexts and sectors in the world? The answer is a NO. The General English is not sufficient enough to cover every people's understanding of different requirements from different contexts of a topic or subject.Thus the need of ESP to cater the different needs from different subjects or purposes.

David Crystal (1999, in Faiz 2008: 12) says, "It is the main language of books, newspapers, airports and air-traffic control, international business and academic conferences, science, technology, medicine, diplomacy, sports, international competitions, pop music, and advertising. Over two-thirds of the world's scientists write in English. Three-quarters of the world's mail is written in English. Of all the information in the world's electronic retrieval systems, 80% is stored in English.". It is obvious from Crystal that English language is divinely divided into different categories catering differing needs for different purposes. The General English only covers the surface of each elements or contexts without penetrating deeper into its own context of specific purposes.



The ESP design a theory that present a distinctive barriers between ESP and EGP. According to Faiz (2008:14), ESP is controlled by five focal points which are :
  1. Learners and their needs
  2. The role of the ESP teacher
  3. The choice of text and design of materials
  4. Aspects of language
  5. Appropriate teaching/learning methodology
The first aspect is basically govern by the what, why, who, when and how questions. The focus here is the learner and why the learner is in need of ESP and the analysis of the needs of the learners will then lead to the second aspect which is the role of ESP teacher. Having the analysis on the learners will determine the function of ESP teacher and in what area that the particular ESP teacher should be proficient in. The next theory would touch on the choice of text and design of materials. The issue pertaining to this theory is the differentiation between the materials used in EGP and ESP. Although they both may share the outline of a curricula, the contents of any ESP text and materials will clearly be different than the EGP as ESP cater a deeper focus on a subject or field. The previous discussed theory is linked to the fourth theory which is the aspect of language. As crystal clear as the distinction of the text and materials needed for ESP than EGP, it will be the same shoe for aspect of language. The language chosen for ESP will be greater in depth and appropriate for its use for the specific needs of the learners in the particular field or subject. The last theory that shape the nature of ESP is the use of appropriate methodology. The correct methodology combine with the other four aspects will regulate as what can be said as the benchmark into deciding the necessity and success of an ESP program.


There are two approaches that govern why there is a need for ESP. The approaches laid down features and characteristics that determine the existence of the ESP demand. The first approach is from Robinson (1991, in Faiz 2008: 16) that says the conceptualization of ESP can be seen in key terms and variables features. The key terms are basically: 
  1. ESP is normally goal-directed
  2. ESP courses are based on needs analysis
There are five variable features in ESP which are:
  1. ESP courses are taught/learnt over a limited time period
  2. Courses are normally taught to adult in homogeneous classes who are engaged in specialist studies or work
  3.  ESP learners are not beginners
  4. Course does not necessarily contain specialist language, content
  5. Specialist activities or those that are appropriate are included
The other approach of the extended definition of ESP is from Dudley-Evans & St John (1998, in Faiz 2008:17) that divide the definition into two characteristics namely absolute and variable characteristics.

Absolute Characteristics: 
  1. ESP is designed to meet specific needs of the learner
  2. ESP makes us of the underlying methodology and activities of the discipline it serves
  3. ESP is centered on the language (grammar,lexis and register), skills, discourse and genres appropriate to these activities
Variable Characteristics:
  1. ESP may be related to or designed for specific disciplines
  2. ESP may use, in specific teaching situations, a different methodology from that of general English
  3. ESP is likely to be designed for adult learners, either at a tertiary level institution or in a professional work situation. It could, however, be used for learners at secondary school level
  4. ESP is generally designed for intermediate or advanced students. Most ESP courses assume basic knowledge of the language system but it can be used with beginners
Dudley-Evans & St John (1998 in Faiz 2008: 17) extended definition on ESP gives a clearer view on why and how ESP may look like in active usage. The definitions are indeed work hand-in-hand in determining the approaches needed to be presented in learning ESP. 


The application of ESP in the education and working world has created an easier view to recognize ESP in different fields. In recognition to different qualities and levels of different needs in different focus either education or working context has lead to the creation of the ESP 'Family Tree'.


The summation of the subject pertaining to the Introduction to English for Specific Purposes will hopefully give a clear view on the context of the subject itself. This blog aims to deliver a good basic understanding on what is ESP and why studying English is important and relevant in today's worlds and the blog also contains summary on the approaches, theories and applications of the subject matters. 

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